Thursday, November 20, 2008

李小龙传奇 第1集

Sunday, November 2, 2008

bruce lee's fans Group “李小龙”的影吧

相关群组话题 发布者 来源群组
英雄和他的美人们:李小龙的爱情和家庭 JUNO 李小龙
李小龙遗容瞻仰(图) 美丽时光 李小龙
名师出高徒:李小龙十大功夫恩师全记录 JUNO 李小龙
帮帮忙 涟漪 李小龙
顽强拼搏,永不言败的精神。[图] 仁青龙居士 李小龙

管理员 : 美丽时光

创始人成员 : 黑天使 彼特尔 文雅客 九哥 KING 2 仁青龙居士 别有洞天 13 李小龙

sweetdream 两匹黑马 涟漪 Sea TIBET BOY JUNO 爱电影爱生活 乌鸦学舌 beatlelong

taesuk Ethan tim 淡蓝的诗 前方 国宝李

VV (

“李小龙”的相关资讯 Related Info

· 《截拳道》下月开拍 刘嘉玲受邀演记者揭黑幕 来源:新闻午报 (2008-10-28)
· 香港导演陈会毅:我给李小龙当过替身 来源:华西都市报 (2008-10-16)
· 《李小龙》成挑错集中营 网友列举五大罪状 来源:信息时报 (2008-10-14)
· 《李小龙》首播观众评价不一 舞功不俗扮相老 来源:新闻午报 (2008-10-13)
· 梁小龙:李小龙演技100分 功夫却只能打70分 来源:成都商报 (2008-10-9)
· 《李小龙传奇》将播 海外版权创天价10万一集 来源:东方早报 (2008-10-8)
· 《叶问》官方视频发布 甄子丹戏中调教李小龙 来源:Mtime时光网 (2008-10-6)
· 《帝国》评最伟大电影 李小龙经典作入围 来源: 新浪娱乐 (2008-8-31)
· 《李小龙传奇》10月央视开播 片头曲是英文 来源:广州日报 (2008-8-14)
· 成龙:我的秘密太多了 自爆给李小龙当过保镖 来源:现代快报 (2008-8-6)
· 丁佩出书大爆:李小龙死身边有人逼我跳楼 来源:Mtime社区 (2008-7-23)
· 李小龙辞世35周年祭 嫂子林燕妮深情回忆(上) 来源:南方都市报 (2008-7-21)
· 《功夫熊猫》幕后揭秘 “东方禅意”点缀美式思路 来源:世界新闻报 (2008-7-6)
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· [图]真正李小龙替身首度曝光 原是金姓韩国人 来源:信息时报 (2008-3-7)
· 票选华人心目中的兰博 成龙“打败”李连杰 来源:新闻午报 (2008-3-6)
· “李小龙”再现大银幕 电影《截拳道》明年开拍 来源:广州日报 (2007-12-5)
· 英杂志评电影英雄 李小龙凭《龙争虎斗》入选 来源:Mtime社区 (2007-11-26)
· 李连杰:别拿我比李小龙 耍功夫是不得已 来源:新闻晨报 (2007-11-12)
· 邹文怀让出嘉禾:香港电影传奇终结的秘密 来源:东方早报 (2007-11-8)
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· 《娱乐周刊》选出25大动作英雄 发哥成龙上榜 来源:中国新闻网 (2007-10-24)
· 陈果筹备新片物色“李小龙” 欲在香港进行招募 来源:新浪娱乐 (2007-8-22)
· 英国媒体选“银幕动作英雄” 李小龙入选五强 来源:新闻晨报 (2007-8-20)
· 陈果筹备《九龙城》 两岸三地寻觅新人演李小龙 来源:Mtime社区 (2007-7-31)
· 周星驰并未收到邀请 否认重演李小龙成名作 来源:北京晨报 (2007-7-24)
· 纪念李小龙逝世33周年 影坛掀“复活”热 来源:新闻午报 (2007-4-13)

Source :

李小龙 - 东方传奇 Bruce Lee : Oriental Legend

毫无疑问,李小龙是一个天生的巨星,一个传奇中的传奇。  尽管过世已久,李小龙依然是功夫代名词,即便红透整个世界的成龙都很难超越。他的才华,他的正气,他的辉煌,都已成为一份无法拷贝的神话。三十二岁、五部电影,足以令璀璨的流星黯然失色,不知何时才会有人另写这样一份东方传奇。

There is no doubt that Lee is a natural-born superstar, a legend in the legend. Despite the long passed away, Lee is still synonymous with kung fu, even Hongtoushan the world as a whole are very difficult to go beyond Jackie Chan. His talent, his righteousness, he's brilliant, have become unable to copy a myth. 32-year-old, five movies, enough to make a meteor dazzling overshadowed, I do not know when someone will write another this Dongfang a legend.

Source :

Saturday, November 1, 2008

李小龙的基本资料 3 (Bruce Lee's basic information 3)

Bruce Lee's Childhood


It is said that Bruce Lee's baby, the Hollywood film "Golden Gate women" need appearance of a Chinese baby, have gone to Bruce Lee. If this is true, should be regarded as the film star's first Budget is right.


LI HAIQUAN by the name of his father. ... ... You might wonder: Why should LI HAIQUAN son dressed as the site look like it? This is because I LI HAIQUAN classic appearance. LI HAIQUAN in the Guangdong region is a very well-known comedian, Cantonese opera, one of the four were ugly, often with the whole family to tour around the world, this is Bruce Lee, born in the United States.

李小龙的基本资料 2 (Bruce Lee's basic information 2)


死亡游戏(1978),盲人追凶,打击恶魔党,可爱的女孩, 布朗蒂,青锋等。
李小龙原籍广东顺德,1940年11月27日出生于美国三藩市,属龙,乳名细凤,英文名Bruce Lee,中文原名李振藩(据说是“振兴三藩”之意),族名源鑫,在五个兄弟姊妹中排行第二。
7-year-old from the film, 13-year-old martial arts Introduction to Kung Fu: Wing Chun Lee has a brother, a younger brother, two sister Father: Father: LI HAIQUAN (Li Man-Ship) (000 Cantonese opera b) Mother: Ho Jin Tang (Eurasians) Master: Yip Man (Wing Chun master) Sister: Yageleisi, Fu-fee Brother: Peter (Zhong Exploration) Brother: Robert Wife: Linda. Ai Mei Li (Linda) Son: Brandon Lee (film shooting were killed in the accident) Daughter: Shannon Lee (from video) Bruce Lee to rest in Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle, accompanied by son Brandon Lee.
The film and television series: Golden Gate F (1940), the rich clouds (1948), Shih dream (1949), small Cheung Road (1950), The Lone Wild Goose Peak (1950), who at the beginning (1951), Oliver Light (1953), the mother of Tears (1953), Father (1953), tens of millions of people (1953), dangerous Chunxiao (1953), Love (first half) (1955), Love (the set) (1955), blood and tears Lone Star (1955), going out (1955), Bank plays the role of ill orphans = F (1955), the sons and daughters of debt (1955), Na Fu Xu epilepsy (1955), I had known had not married (1956), thunderstorm (1957), sweet (1957), Guhong sea of humanity (1959), Shanghai Affairs (1971), Fist of Fury (1972), Menglongguojiang (1972), Enter the Dragon (1973), Game of Death (1978), the Season for the blind, the fight against the demons of the party, lovely girl, Bronte, Qingfeng, and so on. Bruce Lee of origin in Guangdong Shunde, 1940 November 27 was born in San Francisco, is a dragon, phoenix fine nicknames, the English name Bruce Lee, Chinese Li Zhenfan original name (said to be "the revitalization of San Francisco," meaning), the source of ethnic Xin, Five brothers and sisters in the second.

李小龙的基本资料 Bruce Lee's basic information

英文名:Bruce Lee
藉贯: 中国广东顺德
生于:1940年11月27日 (星期三) 9:15pm
卒于:1973年 7月20日 (享年32岁)
右前臂:12.25寸 左前臂:11.75寸
右上臂:14.25寸 左上臂:13.75寸
右大腿:22.5寸 左大腿:22.5寸
右小腿:13寸 左小腿:12.88寸

Bruce Lee's basic information Bruce Lee, martial art of attack and defense, martial arts films show the film, the founder of Jeet Kune Do. Original name: Li Zhenfan English name: Bruce Lee Nicknames: Feng Xi By consistent: China Guangdong Shunde Born: 1940 11 Ri Yue 27 (Xingqi San) 9:15 pm Died: July 20, 1973 (age 32) Lunar New Year: Dragon Birthplace: San Francisco (San Francisco Jackson Street Hospital) Health: Myopia: 600 degrees Height: 5 feet 7 inches (1.71 meters) Weight: 140 pounds Chest: 41.5 (chest expansion) 44.25 (after the chest) Abdominal: 29.5 inches Right forearm: 12.25 inch left forearm: 11.75 inches Right upper arm: 14.25 inches of his left upper arm: 13.75 inches Right thigh: 22.5-inch left thigh: 22.5 inches Right leg: 13-inch left leg: 12.88 inches In the meantime La Salle College in Hong Kong, to the United States in 1961 in Seattle, Washington State University to study philosophy and psychology

咏春拳培训 Wing Chun Martial Art Training

服务范围:北京 北京市

师资介绍:王志鹏师傅简介   王志鹏师傅出生于广袤的内蒙古大草原,自幼习武,遍访名师,学习少林拳、散打、跆拳道、意拳(大成拳)等实战功夫;九六年拜香港“讲手王” 詠春体育会主席黄淳梁(即李小龙师兄)之高徒李恒昌先生为师,研习詠春拳学至今;  曾任延安武术学校教练、西安詠春拳学协会会长、西安詠春拳学培训中心总教练,在其任教期间,曾多次带领学员参加各种比赛,并取得很好成绩,其事迹曾被陕西电视台、北京电视台体育频道做专题报道;  为了将詠春拳学进一步推广发扬光大,2000年转居北京,并任职于圣迪威宝石制品有限公司董事长吴印强先生私人保镖;  2002年受海南武警总队邀请在部队表演、讲习詠春;  2003年受中国人民解放军某部侦察营邀请教授詠春拳学一击必杀课程;  2004年至今担任武塞搏击网技术顾问;  2006年七月受英国剑桥跆拳道协会邀请赴英讲学。 2007年5月2日带领学员参加中国MMA综合格斗大赛,并有两名学员分别获得冠军及亚军。 2007年7月25日,美国国家地理电视台来中国拍摄世界武术系列,在长城之上对会长王志鹏及北京咏春拳学总会其他教练及学员进行专访拍摄,使北京咏春拳学在国外增加了更高的知名度及信誉; 现任北京詠春拳学总会会长、北京咏春拳学总会总教练 实战、教学经验极为丰富 北京咏春拳学总会学费收费标准 一、业余班 每个月上八次课时,学费400元; 二、业余班半年制课程 学费为每半年一交2000元,三、业余班一年制班课程 学费为一年一次**清3500元(赠送北京咏春拳学会会服一套),上课时间上课时间同上; 开设班级: 一、咏春女子减肥班: 教授内容:主要通过咏春拳的特殊培训使练习者不但能够,而且能达到减肥的效果,绝对会让你感到意外的收获。 二、业余咏春技击班 让练习者通过九级九段系统的学习咏春拳学系统课程使你由弱变强,成为一个技击高手。

授课时间:每周六、日下午:3:00——4:30 上午 9;30--11;00
训练地址;1,朝阳大柳树总馆 2,公主坟颐源居小区健身馆内
电话号码1: 13911507749
电话号码2: 010-52022130

Wing Chun was invented by a woman boxing, he is simply destined to combat the "art of attack and defense operation" or "street fighting scientific method", no matter where and when, such as to adapt to any situation, in the infinite invincible in the fighting. Wing Chun school without fancy moves, to take just soft system, Qiao leverage to fight the decision. With simple and concise, pungent and aggressive style, in more than a dozen foreign countries, required special projects. There are abroad Wing Chun Hall, the only one in Beijing and Wing Chun Hall: Wing Chun Beijing Science Association, are welcome to apply to come to Wing Chun enthusiasts. Teacher: Zhi-Peng Wang Zhi-Peng Wang briefed master chef who was born in the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, martial arts since childhood, I visited all the teachers, learning Shaolin boxing, Sanda, taekwondo, YiQuan (Dacheng Quan), and other martial arts combat; al Hong Kong in 2096, "say Wang hands, "Chun Yung-Sports Association Chairman Huang Chun Liang (that is, senior Bruce Lee), Mr. Li Hengchang Gaotu teachers, learning, learning Wing Chun so far; Yan'an served as martial arts school coach, Wing Chun Xian, president of the association, Xian Yong-Chun Boxing training center head coach of the school, in their own, have repeatedly led the students to participate in various competitions and achieved good results, their deeds have been in Shaanxi TV, Beijing TV sports channel to do feature stories; In order to further study Wing Chun Carry forward the promotion, home to Beijing in 2000 and worked at St. precious stones Dewey Products Co., Ltd., Chairman Mr. Wu Yinqiang private bodyguards; Hainan in 2002 by the armed police force in the invitation performances, workshops Yong Chun; in 2003 by a certain unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army reconnaissance Wing Chun, a professor invited to the business school curriculum Bisha blow; so far in 2004 as a plug-wu fighting network technology consultant; in July 2006 by the British Taekwondo Association in Cambridge, UK invited to give lectures. May 2, 2007 to lead the Chinese students to participate in a comprehensive MMA fighting contest and two students won the championship and runner-up respectively. July 25, 2007, National Geographic Television to film Chinese Martial Arts World Series, on the Great Wall of Beijing and Wing Chun Zhi-Peng Wang, president of the Federation of other coaches and school students take an exclusive interview, so that Beijing Wing Chun study abroad An increase of higher visibility and credibility; the current president of the Beijing Federation of learning Wing Chun, Wing Chun Beijing school, the Head Coach of actual combat, a very rich experience in teaching Wing Chun Beijing Science Association charges a fee, amateur classes Last month, eight hours, 400 yuan fee; two amateur classes for a six-month course fees every six months to pay a 2,000 yuan, three, one-year ban amateur classes once a year for tuition ** ching 3500 yuan (Beijing gift Wing Chun Institute will be a service), school hours, school hours, ditto; open class: first, the women's weight classes Wing Chun: Professor: Wing Chun, mainly through special training so that practitioners will not only be able to, and be able to achieve the effect of weight loss , You are absolutely unexpected. Second, Chun Yung-amateur art of attack and defense classes to allow practitioners through the system, Section 9 of learning Wing Chun school curriculum so that your system from weak to strong, as a master art of attack and defense.
The medium of instruction: every Saturday, on the afternoon :3:00 - 4: 30 am 9; 30 - 11; 00 more information,
address training; 1, Chaoyang Daliushu Museum of the total 2, Gong Zhufen Yiyuan Ju small fitness Museum

善战者,求之于势 Art of War is look At Its Strength

Bruce Lee's life was short-lived, but for the modern art of attack and defense operation and the development of the performing arts movie made tremendous contributions. His kung fu film starring popular overseas, the Chinese martial arts also known community. Many foreign language dictionaries, dictionaries and have a new word: "Kung Fu" (Kung fu). In the eyes of foreigners, many of the Chinese kung fu is the martial arts, Bruce Lee's martial arts has become the embodiment.
李小龙的一生是短暂的,但却对现代技击术和电影表演艺术的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他主演的功夫片风行海外,中国功夫也随之闻名于世界。许多外文字典和词典里都出现了一个新词:“功夫”(Kung fu)。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武术,李小龙也成了功夫的化身。QQ915192280

李小龙 传奇一生 His Lengenda Life



英文名:布鲁斯·李(Bruce Lee)







 《唐山大兄》(The Big Boss)(1971年)、 

 《精武门》(Fist of Fury)(1972年)、  

《猛龙过江》(The Way of the Dragon)(1972年)、 

 《龙争虎斗》(Enter the Dragon)(1973年)、 

 《死亡游戏》(Game of Death)(1973年)
Life Li Zhenfan original name. Guangdong and Hainan origin, was born in San Francisco. Cantonese opera and film actor, LI HAIQUAN son. Hong Kong, educated at La Salle College, to the United States in 1959 in Seattle, Washington State University, studying psychology and philosophy.
That is, six-year-old from Hong Kong to participate in the filming of "child-xiang" in Cantonese films.
In 1953 to participate in shooting films in Cantonese, "Gu Hong sea of humanity," quite well received. Society is in Hong Kong, "Yong Chun" martial arts university in the United States has absorbed the "Karate" and other foreign Boxing essence of self, "Jeet Kune Do."
1964 million in the United States to participate in the karate tournament, the top winner. In the United States,
1966-1967 Twentieth Century Fox film company's TV series "Green Hornet" (a total of 30 sets), to play an important role. In Hollywood films to participate in the shooting.
Back in Hong Kong in 1971, Golden Harvest Films starring film "Fists of Fury" and "Fist of Fury" and was widely welcomed and become well-known martial arts actor. 1972 self-directed and performed kung fu film "Menglongguojiang."
In the 1973 film "Game of Death" shot in the process of death.
In 1978 by a substitute actor to complete the "Game of Death" and shown in Hong Kong.
Bruce Lee's life was short-lived, but as a bright comet across the altar of the international wu over the operation of the modern art of attack and defense and the development of the performing arts movie made tremendous contributions. His kung fu film starring popular overseas, the Chinese martial arts also known community. Many foreign language dictionaries, dictionaries and have a new word: "Kung Fu." In the eyes of foreigners, many of the Chinese kung fu is the martial arts, Bruce Lee's martial arts has become the embodiment.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bruce Lee Forever : Purpose of This Blog

For The Love of One Man named BRUCE LEE -

His " Fighting Spirit " lives Forever.