Thursday, April 5, 2012

How To Manifest What You Want - By Bruce Lee


"Bruce Lee- Master of the Art of Manifestation"

Bruce Lee was an amazing martial artist and movie star who reached his highest potential. He became the supreme exponent of martial arts. He was the master of masters in kung fu.

Through a short but explosive film career he made the world aware of Chinese martial arts and he became at that time one of the highest paid movie stars in the world. For Bruce Lee to become successful he had to overcome incredible obstacles.

Firstly he had to overcome the obstacle of being the first Chinese movie star in the west. At this time there was a lot of prejudice towards the Chinese so this was a huge challenge..

But Bruce Lee overcame that obstacle and actually used martial arts as a medium to unite eastern and western culture and bring down the racial barriers of that time.

Bruce Lee was a master at manifesting his dreams into reality.

Here is one of the Secrets Bruce Lee used...

In Planet Hollywood in New York City, there is a letter hanging on the wall that Bruce Lee wrote to himself many years before he was successful.

The letter is stamped and is dated January 9, 1970. Bruce wrote on this letter clearly what his goal was to be. It said:

"By 1980 I will be the best known oriental movie star in the United States and will have secured $10 million dollars. And in return I will give the very best acting I can possibly give every single time I am in front of the camera and I will live in peace and harmony"

Bruce Lees Famous Letter

Bruce Lee attained this goal, he became a mega superstar and attained huge wealth well beyond the goal he set.

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